identity | vision | habits

A Mind that Prospers You

You’ve heard it said, “The mind is a beautiful thing to waste.” Recent scientific research is now showing that you only use 5% of your creative mind, that is, your conscious mind.

So what is going on with the other 95%? We are learning now that the subconscious mind is actually the one that often runs the show and has been rated to measure at 40 million bits per second. The 5% creative mind, the conscious mind, embodies all of our dreams, wishes, creativity, and desires. This mind is rated at 40 bits per second.

This tells us why we can be inspired, we can dream and set big goals, but somehow in the midst of it all, we find ourselves sabotaged. Who is behind the sabotaging? That’s a great question.  Today’s science is revealing that it’s the program of your subconscious that was recording everything happening to you up until you were about 7 years old.

As we cover the mind, you’ll be able to see how the subconscious mind, the one that runs the show, was essentially given to you by someone else, and how to let yourself off the hook for much of the struggles you battle with.

My goal in this article is to help you prosper in every area of life by giving you the necessary tools to bring your subconscious mind in alignment with all your dreams, wishes, and desires that your creative mind truly yearns for.

Let’s dive in…